World Day to Combat Desertification was celebrated on 17th June, 2015 under the aegis of ENVIS at CAZRI, Jodhpur. The function was chaired by Dr. R.K. Bhatt, Director I/c, CAZRI, Jodhpur. Dr. Praveen Kumar, Head of Division -II welcomed the guests. Dr. Suresh Kumar, ENVIS Coordinator discussed about Desertification. He exhorted that “desertification can be effectively tackled, solutions are possible, and key tools to this aim lay in strengthened community participation and co-operation at all levels.” Dr. J. C. Tarafdar delivered a talk on ‘Role of microorganisms in maintaining soil health’. He explained that there is a poor fertility of soil of arid regions resulting in low production and to increase the production from degraded soil of arid zones, the fertility level should be improved so that the moisture holding capacity can be enhanced by addition of biofertilizers such as rhizobia, azotobacter and biosynthesised nano particles. He explained in detail about crop cycle, compost, vermicomposting, biopesticides etc. for maintaining the soil fertility. Dr. R.K. Bhatt, Director I/c also emphasized that there is a need to increase agricultural productivity especially from sensitive arid geographical regions according to climate change. There is a need to increase plant cover in minimum land, increase in productivity and water conservation for peace, safety, stability environment and food security in the world. CAZRI has done a lot of research work for controlling desertification, plant cover and to increase production from desert land and has also developed new agricultural techniques by which success has been gained. There should be a check on unsustainable use of natural resources, land degradation and ground water level should be increased by using rain water. ENVIS Coordinator Dr Suresh Kumar emphasized on the need of continuous united efforts to ensure food security worldwide due to increasing pressure of human population in the world. The programme was attended by around 65 persons including scientists and staff of CAZRI, Jodhpur. At the end, vote of thanks was presented by Dr Shweta Mathur, Information Officer ENVIS. The programme was compered by Dr. Ritu Purohit, Programme Officer ENVIS.

(Source: ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur)