An off campus training on ‘Improved Vegetable Cultivation Technology’ was organized during December 21 – 23, 2015 at village Utamber in Balesar tehsil to create awareness among the farmers about improved technological options in the vegetable production, under capacity building and development of population program of ICARDA project. Training program was comprised of both the lecture sessions and practical demonstrations. The programme was attended by 51 farmers including 18 women. Major topics covered in the training program were technologies for integrated vegetable production systems and crop diversification, technological options for pest/ disease management, improved water use and saving, improved irrigation practices, value addition, low tunnel technique for cucurbits, post-harvest management, integrated nutrient management in vegetables, processing techniques for entrepreneurial development in arid zone, technologies for harnessing potential of arid vegetables, technological options for rabi and kharif vegetables.

(Source: CAZRI, Jodhpur)