Library Information
This year library purchased 228 New Books (including 83 Books in Hindi) related to Nanotechnology, Agriculture, Soil Science, Medicinal Plants, General Knowledge and History. Library added 286 reports of various Institutes of ICAR and International Institutes, 41 reprints and is presently subscribing 36 Foreign Journals and 99 Indian Journals. The library is now holding 22233 books and 56600 back volumes of journals, 5682 reports and 2184 reprints on its shelves. The library facilities have been extended to the various research organizations and NGO.s located in Jodhpur in particular and other parts of the country in general. This year 5275 readers utilized library services and consulted 44387 documents. The total membership of the library has gone to 166 no.s. (as per renew of the membership). We are now having CAB-CD from 1975 to 2011 and data of Indiastat E-Year book 2012 in the library.
Services rendered:
Publication : Understanding Arid Zone Through CAZRI Publications: A Bibliography by Tirth Das and Kailash DethaIn charging and discharging services: 2488 books were issued and 2404 books were returned by the readers.The 19726 pages of books and journals of Dr. Raheja Library were photocopied. About 900 institute publications/reprints were sent to the various institutes/organizations and to the scientists and research scholars on exchange and demand basis.
Under CeRA: Library responded to 1100 request and received from the various Institutes of ICAR and Agricultural University of India related to research articles.
Updating of Database: Dr. Raheja Library has been continuously updating its own databases of the resources using CDS/ISIS 3.08 and WinISIS 1.41 software which are used for intranet search of reprints, books, journals etc. on the basis of keword, author, title etc. All the holdings have been catalogued under these databases. The Databases are as follows:
- Bia - Reprint record
- Cat - Catalogue of periodicals
- Book - Old books available in library
- New - New books procured during last 4 years
- Den - Information pertaining to Desert with abstracts
- ICAR Inst.- ICAR Institute.s, SAU.s, NB,PD
Environment Information System (ENVIS), a scheme of Department of Environment (DOE) also renders its services through a database on desertification and soil conservation to its Headquarters as well as other ENVIS centers located in India. The center also responds to 245 queries and disseminates information to SAARC